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Hamed Kashani, PhD

Loram Technologies, Inc.

Hamed Kashani is the Manager of Railway Geotechnics at Loram Technologies, Inc (LTI). Hamed got his PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2017.  Dr. Kashani has over 15 years of experience in Civil Engineering industry and research, including Geotechnical and Structural fields. He has been conducting research on Railroad Engineering since 2013 and is an author and co-author of 20 papers in both fields of Geotechnical and railway Geotechnical Engineering. Hamed joined HyGround Engineering in 2014 and Joined Loram in 2017 performing analysis on substructure maintenance management and design. Hamed is a member of AREMA Committee 1 since 2019 and a committee member of  Standing Committee on Railroad Track Structure System Design of Transportation Research Board since 2016.