Michael Monastero
Transit & Rail Systems, Inc.
Gannett Fleming Transit and Rail, Philadelphia Pa. [2/2020 – Present]
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA), Philadelphia, PA [2/1983 – 11/2019]
Chief Engineering Officer, Communications and Signals, C&S Department
Program Manager for developing, managing and delivering to an operational state the railroad’s Positive Train Control (PTC) system for use by SEPTA and its Tenant properties. Coordinated with Federal Railroad Administration, Federal Communications Commission, Federal Transit Administration, Long Line Freight Railroads and local regulatory bodies.
Assistant Chief Engineer/Chief Engineering Officer, C&S Department
Responsibilities included in-house and third party C&S design, software programming, field installations, regulatory testing, construction and project management; systems integration activities for both Contractor’s and in-house projects; operating and capital budgets; coordination and regulatory reporting with the federal and state and APTA; qualifications, safety, training and performance of supervisory personnel and over 250 technicians working under five different bargaining agreements; standards development, enforcement and regulatory compliance and employee safety; safe and reliable operation of all C&S systems employed on the commuter rail, light rail, heavy rail, trolley, bus and paratransit systems.
Excerpts of Activities Included:
- Project management, engineering, construction, technical support and Control Center liaison for all Centralized Traffic Control (CTC) projects including: Market Frankford Line Automatic Train Control (ATC), Broad Street Subway System Tripper System modernization, Norristown High Speed Line Automatic Train Control project, ATC and PTC Train Control Systems modernization on the SEPTA’s commuter rail lines, and the Communications Based Train Control system on the Media and Sharon Hill trolley lines.
- Project planning and commissioning of the new remote operations control center systems for the railroad, Norristown High Speed, Broad Street Subway, Green Line, Market Frankford and Media Sharon Hill Lines.
- Program Manager for an Accelerated Signal Modernization Project installing new electronic cab signaling, bi-directional operations, ATC, new three-minute headway signal block layouts with safe train separation, and new centralized remote dispatching systems on all railroad lines.
- Engineering, maintenance, construction, and operation of the Communications-Based Train Control (CBTC) system for the Green Line’s Subway Surface tunnel. Provided design and construction documents for the new CBTC system to installed on the Media and Sharon Hill Light Rail Lines.
- Engineering constructed and Project Management for the various Consolidated Control Centers including the Railroad, Transit, Police, Paratransit, Bus control, and CSX and NS Control Center interconnections.
- Engineered, constructed, commissioned and Program Management for the new systemwide fiber optic cable network on the Railroad, Transit, Light Rail Lines and headquarter and Police locations. Included new local and head end FOC control systems.
- Project Manager for the federally mandated radio narrowbanding, project which included modifying radio towers, base stations and all conventional and trunked radio systems affecting all modes of operations. and the Included the system wide fiber optic buildout project.