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Skylar Leach


Skylar Leach graduated from Temple University in 2015 with a BS in Construction Management. He started at Amtrak in 2013 as a System Track Intern and progressed into the Management Trainee Program (Formerly known as the Management Associate Program) following his graduation in 2015. He worked the with Washington Terminal Track Maintenance Group in 2016 and with High Speed Surfacing Gangs in 2017. He completed the Management Training Program in 2018 and became an Engineer I in the Track Clearance, Inspection & Tests Group (A.K.A.: Track Geometry) where he worked mostly with the planning and programing of High Speed Surfacing Capital Plan and assisted with the development of Refence Surfacing under Amanda Kessler. He recently was promoted to Senior Engineer in the Inspection and Specification Group, where he will be working with the concrete tie/timber and switch manufacturers, continuing to provide engineering support to our production and construction gangs and reviewing project documents to ensure they follow Amtrak’s standards and specifications.